Турнир The Battle for Science. Caliber. Qualification stage
Battle for Science - 2023 | Caliber
Competition regulations
General provisions.
1.1. These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") define the official rules of the Battle for Science 2023 tournament (hereinafter referred to as the "Tournament") and apply to each of the teams and players participating in the competition, as well as to each member of the team, including reserve players, coaches and managers.
1.2. The Regulations are mandatory for all teams and its participants participating in this Tournament. Participation in the Tournament means full agreement with these Regulations.
1.3. This Tournament is a student Tournament and is held between students of higher educational institutions.
1.4. Dates of the tournament: September 16 - November 12, 2023.
1.5. Communication between the teams and coordination of the matches takes place on the official Discord server "MSKL | Caliber": https://discord.gg/mxFcpWF4Ay.
Rights and obligations of the organizer
2.1. The Moscow Computer Sports Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer of the Competition) performs the functions of organizing the Competition and conducting arbitration in case of disputes.
2.2. The scope of responsibility of the Organizer of the Competition:
• approval of these Regulations and annexes thereto;
• formation of a list of events and a schedule of game days of the Competition;
• appointment of a Tournament operator;
• approval of the results of the Competition and its individual intermediate stages;
• awarding of participants of the Competition.
2.3. Tournament operator — the person (or group of persons) responsible for the direct conduct of the Competition.
2.4. The scope of responsibility of the Tournament Operator:
• coordination of the Competition;
• organization of the official broadcast of the Competition;
• monitoring of compliance with the Rules of the Competition by its participants;
• appointment of Competition Judges;
• coverage of the tournament on social networks and other Internet resources.
2.5. The judge of the Competition is a person who monitors compliance with the Rules of the Competition, as well as engaged in resolving conflicts and disputes involving esports athletes and/or their representatives, as well as other interested persons involved in the conduct of the Competition in one way or another.
2.6. The scope of responsibility of the Competition Judge:
• resolution of conflicts and disputes involving esports players, agents, coaches and intermediaries;
• registration of competition results and maintenance of competition protocols;
• monitoring compliance with the Competition Regulations;
• approval of the list of participants of the Competition;
• approval of the results of the Competition.
2.7. The Organizer and the Tournament Operator reserve the right to change and supplement these Regulations.
Format and dates of the Tournament.
The tournament is held in 3 stages:
1. Qualification (Online).
2. Play-off (Online).
3. Grand Final (Offline)
3.1. Registration for the tournament
Registration for the Tournament will be open according to the schedule in the VKontakte group (https://vk.com/mscleague ). Each team is obliged to register on the site independently. The registration link will be published on the official Discord server (https://discord.gg/mxFcpWF4Ay ). The team is registered by the captain, through whom there will be further communication on all organizational issues.
3.2 Qualifications
3.2.1 Qualifications will be held 1 time in 8 Federal Districts of the Russian Federation:
Far Eastern Federal District - October 7, 2023
NCFD - October 8 , 2023
PFD - October 14 , 2023
Southern Federal District - October 15 , 2023
NWFD - October 22 , 2023
UFA - October 28 , 2023
SFO - October 29 , 2023
Central Federal District - November 5 , 2023
3.2.2 Team members will be assigned to the grid before the official start of the games. The distribution of teams in the grid will be random.
Grid format: Single Elimination (before the first defeat);
Match format: Bo1 (before the first victory).
3.3 Play-off stage
3.3.1. Holding period: from October 28 to November 4.
3.3.2. 8 teams participate in the Play-off stage (1 team each from the qualification districts).
3.3.3. The distribution of teams in the grid will be random.
Grid format: Single Elimination (before the first defeat); Match format: Bo3 (up to two wins).
3.3.4. The top 2 teams of the Play-off stage advance to the Grand Final.
3.4. Final
3.4.1. Date: November 11.
3.4.2. Match format: Bo3 (up to two wins).
The rules of the matches
4.1. Setting up the game:
Game version: the latest official patch of the game Caliber, valid at the time of the competition;
All matches are created by the referee.
4.2. The order of the card pick-ban:
Team A, team B, then the teams change in order.
The commanders forbid (Ban) cards until there is a number of cards corresponding to the number of cards of this match (1 for BO1, 3 for BO3, etc.).
When the number of cards corresponding to the number of cards of this match is reached, the Commanders select (Peak) cards until 1 card remains.
30 seconds are allowed to make a decision on each Peak or Ban. If no decision has been made within the allotted time, the Judge selects/blocks the first available card from the list of cards.
The team commanders, who are in the voice channel together with the Judge, clearly and legibly pronounce the names of the cards.
The order of play on the cards is determined by the order of their selection (Peak), the last card is the card that was not selected (Peak) or banned (Ban).
4.3. The procedure for the pick-ban of operatives:
A - Ban Team;
Team B - Ban;
A - Peak Team;
Team B - Peak;
A - Peak Team;
Team B - Peak;
Then the teams change the order and go through another 1 lap.
30 seconds are allowed to make a decision on each Peak or Ban. If no decision has been made within the allotted time, the Judge selects/blocks the next operative.
The team captains, who are in the voice channel with the Judge, clearly and legibly pronounce the names of the operatives.
If the team entered the battle not on the operatives chosen (Pic) by its Commander, the team is awarded a technical defeat in the match.
4.4. Before the start of the match, the captains must appear in a special discord channel and confirm their readiness to the Referee.
4.4.1. At the Referee's command, before the start of the match, the cards are blocked.
4.4.2. At the command of the Judge, before the start of the fight, the operatives are blocked.
4.5. Each player of the team must perform a replay of the battle
The battle replay is an extension file .bytes recorded by the client of the game "Caliber". To record replays, the participant must enable replay recording in the game settings (Settings - Game - Replay Recording).
4.6. In-game rules:
4.6.1. Fights are held on all available maps, unless otherwise specified in the Rules of the competition.
4.6.2. It is allowed to use all available operatives in the multiplayer online computer game "Caliber", unless otherwise specified in the Rules of the competition.
4.6.3. It is allowed to use any skills, unles